There are a number of indicators that your significant other is about to propose. They may become more budget-conscious in the months leading up to a proposal as they plan to purchase your diamond engagement ring. Perhaps one of your rings has gone missing and then returned, or people in your life have suddenly become very interested in your ring size. Then there's the possibility that your spouse has told you, either directly or indirectly, that they're planning to propose.
Whatever your reason for anticipating a proposal, if you believe your sweetheart is intending to propose, you're undoubtedly thinking about the diamond engagement ring— and how you can ensure you get the one you want.
Telling your partner that you want to pick out your ring jointly is the most foolproof way to end up with a ring you'll love. However, we understand that not everyone is keen to take that path. Even if they have specific guidelines in mind, many people want an element of surprise when it comes to their engagement ring. Furthermore, some people find it more significant to have their spouse choose their engagement ring, but everyone has their own tastes.
We're here to help you in guiding your significant other toward the engagement ring of your dreams without being too direct. We'll go over a few of the best covert, strategic - dare we say downright sneaky - ways to hint at the type of diamond engagement ring you really want.
The Pinterest Hint
Pinterest is a fantastic resource for finding engagement ring ideas. It's also a great way to let your spouse know what you desire in an engagement ring without being too obvious.
Make an engagement ring inspiration board on Pinterest. Then, "by accident", leave your board's page open somewhere where your spouse may view it. You might leave it open in a browser tab if you share a computer. If you live together, you may leave your computer screen open to your Pinterest board while you're in another room "doing something else". If you don't live together or share a computer, you can try leaving the Pinterest app open on your phone's screen. Finally, if you don't mind being a little more direct, you might simply send a link to your engagement ring inspiration board to your future spouse.
The key to this method is to have a clear vision on your inspiration board of what you truly desire. So that your partner doesn't get confused, you want your board to feature a consistent engagement ring style.
If you just want a cushion cut diamond ring, for example, don't pin any other diamond shapes to your board. If a yellow diamond engagement ring would be your ideal choice, pin plenty of examples of just yellow diamonds, especially as fancy colored diamonds are often less familiar to most people than standard white diamonds.

Stunning diamond ring
Dropping (Not So Subtle) Diamond Engagement Ring Style Hints
Commenting on other people's engagement rings is a simple, effective, and discreet method to drop ring clues. So, if your friend just got engaged and you like something about her ring, tell your partner about it. “John chose such a lovely ring for Sarah! I adore the white gold solitaire setting since it is so elegant and lovely.” You might even do this with celebrity engagement rings, stating things like, “The ring A-Rod gave Jennifer Lopez is really stunning— I think emerald cut diamonds are the most beautiful shape.”
In a similar vein, you might use the same method to keep your significant other away from any diamond engagement ring styles that you dislike. “Sarah's princess cut diamond ring is ideal for her. But, for the life of me, I can't understand why princess cut diamonds are so popular. Round diamonds, in my opinion, are far more classic.”
If your partner is intending to pick out your engagement ring soon, it's likely they'll pay close attention when you express what you like and don't like about engagement rings. So, if you want to nudge your significant other in the correct path, hint away!

A stunning and beautiful diamond ring
Get Your Friends Involved
Enlisting the help of a friend is another option to guide your partner in finding a style you'll love. If you tell your friend what you want in a diamond engagement ring and what you don't want, they can reach out to your significant other and offer advice.
Your engagement ring will still be a complete surprise to you because your partner will select it without your input. They will, however, feel much more at ease when they go ring shopping because they will have some useful recommendations to follow. They'll also be able to get a second opinion on any ring they're considering, which should make them feel more confident and enthused about their final choice.