The Best Advice for Buying A Clarity Enhanced Diamond
Introduction: What is a Diamond?
Diamonds are one of the most popular gemstones in the world. They are made up of carbon and crystallized under extreme pressure and heat.
Diamonds are mined from deep within the Earth. It is estimated that there are more than 100 million carats of diamonds on the Earth's surface, but they cannot be accessed due to their location deep underground.
Diamonds can be found all over the world, but only a few countries produce them commercially. The ones that produce a lot of diamonds include Brazil, Australia, Canada, Russia, and Botswana.
DIamonds are commonly used for diamond jewellery like engagement rings, diamond earrings, etc.
What is Clarity Enhancement?
Clarity enhancement is the process of polishing the diamond to make it more "perfect". This is done by using lasers and other tools to remove imperfections on the surface of the diamond. It is a process that diamond manufacturers use to improve diamond clarity.
The process of clarity enhancement is done in order to improve the appearance, value, and clarity of a diamond. It can be used for diamonds that have small inclusions or scratches on them.
The process of polishing starts with rough diamonds that are usually cloudy or opaque. The rough diamonds are then cut by a gem cutter into two pieces which reveal their natural beauty and sparkle before they are polished again with an abrasive compound to create a perfect finish. The result is an improvement in clarity and brightness.
This process is necessary because it removes any flaws from the surface, making it appear clearer and cleaner than before. It also improves the appearance of diamonds by removing inclusions that may be visible to the naked eye.
What is a Clarity Enhanced Diamond, and How Does It Differ From a Typical Diamond?
A Clarity Enhanced Diamond is a diamond that has been treated to make it more clear than it would be naturally. This process is done by removing the surface of the diamond and then filling in the space with resin.
There are two types of Clarity Enhanced Diamonds: one type is a type I clarity enhanced diamond which means that there are no inclusions visible to the naked eye, and another type II, which means there are small inclusions visible to the naked eye.
The treatment process is not permanent, and any flaws that are removed can reappear as the diamond is worn down over time.
Clarity Enhanced Diamonds are more expensive than typical diamonds because they are rarer.

Diamond necklace
Why Do Diamonds Undergo Clarity Enhancement?
Clarity enhancement is a process that is used to make diamonds appear more attractive by making them look clearer and more transparent. This process can be done in many different ways, but the most common is through laser drilling, acid etching and ion implantation.
The clarity enhancement process was developed to make diamonds look better for the consumer because, in the past, they were not considered as valuable as other types of gems.
Diamonds undergo this process because they have inclusions that make them less appealing to consumers. These inclusions are often very small and are only noticeable under a microscope, but they can affect the visual appearance of a diamond which is why clarity enhancement was developed. The goal of this process is to remove these inclusions so that diamonds appear clear and flawless when viewed from the naked eye.
Different Methods of Clarity Enhancements
Proprietary Method
The proprietary method is a process that increases the clarity of diamonds by removing inclusions and flaws.
The process is done by using a laser to remove the inclusions and flaws from the diamond. This process can be done on any type of diamond, but it is most often done on diamonds with colourless or near-colourless qualities.
Deep Boiling Method
Deep boiling is a method of clarity enhancement that uses hot water to make the diamond's inclusions more visible. It is a process that helps to improve the clarity of diamonds.
The process involves submerging the diamond in a heated liquid, usually water, and then examining it under magnification. This helps to remove any impurities from the surface of the diamond and make it brighter. The result is an increase in the visibility of inclusions and blemishes like fractures.
This is a common clarity enhancement process that has been around for over 100 years.
Laser Drilling
Laser drilling, also known as laser ablation, is a process that removes some material from a surface by breaking down the material with a laser beam.
The process can be used to remove scratches and nicks from diamonds. It can also be used to create small holes in the diamond's surface for the purpose of inserting other materials into the stone, which will enhance its colour or clarity.
The laser is focused and controlled by a microscope or computer. The diamond is mounted on the platform of the microscope, and a focused beam of laser light is used to vaporise tiny portions of the surface.
The vaporised material then condenses onto a cold metal surface that can be collected for reuse as diamonds.
Fracture Filling
Fracture filling is a process that is used to fill in fractures or cracks in the diamond. This is done by drilling holes into the diamond and filling them with a resin-like material called "fracture filler".
The fracture filler can be made of different materials, but the most common are glass and plastic. The resin fills in the cracks and restores the diamond's clarity and colour.
Crystal Filling
Crystal filling is a method in which a diamond is filled with a special diamond-enhancing material. This method of enhancement has been around for more than 20 years, and it has been used to improve the clarity, colour, and appearance of diamonds.
A diamond can be enhanced by filling it with a special filler that is made from either:
1. A precious metal like gold or platinum
2. A synthetic metal like zirconium oxide or silicon carbide
3. A synthetic organic compound such as cubic zirconia or moissanite

Diamond necklace
Advantages of Purchasing an Enhanced Diamond
Diamonds are a girl's best friend, and with an enhanced diamond, you can make her feel like the queen of the world. These diamonds have been created by high-tech machines that give them a thin layer of colour to make them look more vibrant and beautiful than they would otherwise be.
They are also created to be more durable than regular diamonds, so they will last longer and not lose their brilliance as quickly over time. The process is done by dipping the diamonds in a solution that contains metal salts, which then react with oxygen to create this new colour on the surface of the diamond.
Disadvantages of Purchasing an Enhanced Diamond
There are some disadvantages to purchasing an enhanced diamond. One of them is that they are more expensive than natural diamonds because they have been treated to improve their appearance.
Another disadvantage is that there are not as many options for enhanced diamonds as there are for natural diamonds, which can limit your design choices when looking for a ring setting for your engagement ring or wedding band.
Cleaning an Enhanced Diamond
Diamonds are considered to be one of the most valuable and cherished possessions of a woman. However, just like any other jewellery, diamonds need regular cleaning as well.
Diamonds are usually cleaned using a brush, some dish soap and water. The process is very simple and can be done in minutes. All you need to do is dip the brush in the soap water mixture and scrub it on the diamond until all the dirt is removed. Rinse off with cold water afterwards and dry with a soft cloth.
Repairing an Enhanced Diamond
Diamonds are not always perfect and sometimes need to be repaired.
The first step is to identify what type of damage needs to be repaired. This can include cracks, chips, or scratches that have damaged the surface of the diamond. The type of repair will depend on whether it is surface or internal damage.
Surface damages can be fixed by using heat and pressure to polish out any imperfections on the surface, while internal damages require removing some material from inside the diamond and replacing it with new material.
Next, you will need to decide if you want your jeweller to do this for you or if you want to do it yourself at home. If you choose to do it yourself, the first step is to identify if the damage is surface or internal. If the damage is internal, you will need to remove some material from inside the diamond and replace it with new material.
For this, you will need a type of drill or saw that can cut through diamonds and use a vice-grip or clamp to bring the diamond into the proper position. If you are doing this work yourself, you will also need to use a type of polishing wheel and abrasive compounds such as pumice or sandpaper in order to remove any imperfections on the surface of your diamond.
The last step is t polish out any imperfections on the surface of the diamond. This can be done with a drill bit or diamond polishing pad.